
Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

scanning vulnerability using nessus and how to exploit useing exploitdb

scaning vulnerability using nessus

first steep

starting nessus using console type /etc/init.d/nessusd start
root@bt:~# /etc/init.d/nessusd start
Starting Nessus : .

second steep
open browser and type localhost:8834 it will open nessus scaning and login by your user and your password.
 press login
press scan - add and will open  as shown below.

type your
name : scaning
choose a type : Run now
choose policy :  Internal Network Scan and
scan targets by using ip :
so press launch scan. it will running scan about nework of
if it's done. we choose scaning and it will open list all of network
so i interest about ip becouse total of service so much. and i press it.
and it's will open all service.
now we have now about service and we download about file off nessus for getting information vulnerability about this network.

all report about vulnerability this network you cam get from this link.

exploit using exploitdb

firs step
information gathering about target - must now about service using about target adn we should already know the weaknesses of a system we already use nessus scanning. form this example i will using a tareget from ip

if you have information gathering and service enumeration 
now you open your exploitdb search on
Exploitation Tools - Open Source Exploitation - Exploit-DB - exploitdb seacrh
it's will open exploitdb search
so type on you console ./searchsploit smb
root@bt:/pentest/exploits/exploitdb# ./searchsploit smb
smb this is one of vulner from host and it will open about list of vulner.
from this list i try to exploit about host form his smb.
on ./searchsploit smb have mani format for runing this exploit for example
.pl, .c, .txt, .py, .rb, and .html.

for exploit .pl
type perl platform/windows/local/16678.rb
for .py an .rb it same of perl.

if .c
type gcc -c platform/windows/local/1911.c -o try

for .txt
type gedit platform/windows/dos/9594.txt

@keep smile & spirit
be fun

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